Polly's fleece. Suitable for making felted sheepskin rug.
This semi felted fleece would, with some work, transform into a beautiful felted fleece but it would involve a little work trimming off last year's felted later first. Underneath you'll find beautiful white Icelandic locks.
This year lovely Polly may have an autumn shear on the blades so try and get a shorter more manageable fleece next spring.
She's Browney's sister, she is friendly and calm. She once had an eye infection, the vet came out to give her katemine and treat the eye, and somehow none of the whole (expensive!) ordeal seemed to make her at all wary of me. She's a gem.
Last year she had a stillborn lamb so we didn't lamb her this year. I suspect she has earned herself a spot in the flock as Auntie. I often see her with her nieces Bonnie and Billie looking out for them.