Selection boxes for spinners and felters.
You will receive 4 X 40g of blade shorn, washed and carded fleece from my flock and other blade shorn flocks in the south west, such as the rich brown Shetland x Romney from Fernhill Farm on the Mendips.
These are very soft fine and high quality fibres from well looked after sheep. Each fibre will come with details of the breed and the ones from my flock will come with the names of the sheep.
Contents will be made from the following:
Brown Shetland from the Wyldlea Flock
White Cheviot Merino cross from the flock of Andy Bell, Yorkshire
White Portland from Rose, Thistle and Celandine
Black and white mix Jacob from Heydon Hill FLock
#wool #britishwool #shepherdess #fieldtofleece #spinning #cardedfleece #shetland #portland #rarebreed #rarebreedsheep #handmade #felting #ethicalwool