My beautiful soft blade shorn Portland fleeces, washed and carded and hand spun, hand woven with a little of my grey Shetland yarn from Yeva, Gib and Vita.
Blade shorn softness from rare breed ewes.
My Portland ewes are called Rose, Hawthorn, Thistle, Celandine, Bryony, and Dalia.
Woven a hedge away from the field the Portlands live in, where they were shorn in February.
A year to be grown, through wind and snow and storms, sunshine and drought, sheltering under the hedgerow from rain sleet and midsummer heat.
A bright cold late winter day with the blade shears to shed the ewes of their heavy fleeces.
Long summer evenings spinning the yarn.
A day to measure the silvery warp threads, and dress the loom.
Long afternoons weaving in my workshop while people came by to share a drink and talk about wool.
An evening washing the cloth between putting the geese to bed for the night, watching the sun go down over the hill on the edge of the moor.
Soft and light and airy oversize wrap.
180cm by 60cm